therapist talking with a couple sitting together on a couch

Uncover Signs of Male Depression and Effective Symptom Management

What is male depression?

Male depression, although it may manifest subtly with signs that are not always easy to spot, is a prevalent concern. According to data from the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, approximately 6 million men grapple with depression on an annual basis. It is imperative to be able to identify the indicators of depression.

Family Care Center’s Founder and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Charles Weber, spoke with US News and World Report on this growing health issue.

Symptoms of depression in men

“The most common symptoms for men are insomnia, sleep disturbances and out-of-context angry outbursts,” Weber shared. We often see these in male Veterans and First Responders, who are more likely to express anger as a reflection of their inner turmoil.

Additionally, men may experience symptoms of sadness or isolation. They may have a loss of energy, trouble concentrating or a loss of interest in doing things they used to enjoy.”

Breaking the stigma around male depression

Men sometimes struggle to talk about their mental health challenges due to the stigma around seeking help. As a result, they may keep their depression hidden. We must confront these stigmas. If you’re struggling with depression or notice a man in your life who seems to be grappling with some of these symptoms, it’s important to reach out.

“Men shouldn’t confuse asking for help as a weakness,” said Weber. “Real strength lies in acknowledging when you’re going through a tough time and reaching out for support.

It often takes a nudge from a friend or loved one to push men to seek that help, so creating an environment conducive to seeking help and prioritizing mental well-being can be key for supporting the men you love.

Weber added, “We should all create an environment where seeking help is celebrated and mental well-being is a priority for everyone, but recognize that men tend to isolate and project more anger at seemingly benign stressors versus asking for help or seeking treatment from a professional.”

Depression is treatable

Treatment for depression shouldn’t rely on medication alone. “The best chance of recovery comes from considering different parts of a person’s life, like their body, mind, relationships, environment and spiritual well-being,” Weber said. “This holistic approach is key to achieving long-lasting remission of depression.”

Additionally, newer treatments like transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) have shown a very high response rate (better than medication) and may be considered for treatment-resistant depression.

If you’re experiencing symptoms of depression, it’s important to seek help. Reach out to your healthcare provider or contact the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988, available 24/7, for immediate support and assistance.

It is possible to discover hope in the face of depression. Explore the path to recovery and improved mental health today.

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* Family Care Center is in-network with most major health insurance plans!

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