A female employer talks to her team about mental health in the workplace.

How Employers Can Support Mental Health in the Workplace 

In today’s fast-paced work environment, mental health in the workplace is becoming increasingly critical for businesses aiming to recruit and retain top talent. Recent surveys have shown that 81% of employees consider employer support for mental health an important factor in where they choose to work.  

Such a statistic is not at all alarming when you consider the effect workplace stress has on an individual’s mental health. Heavy workloads, lack of support, miscommunication among team members and lack of connection when working remotely can all lead to emotional exhaustion or employee burnout. 

If left unaddressed, burnout can escalate into more serious mental health issues like depression and anxiety. Both managers and employees are responsible for recognizing and tackling burnout before it reaches a critical point. Employers can help prevent or reduce burnout’s impact on their team by following these suggestions from Mental Health America

      • Recognize burnout early. Managers should intervene when employees show exhaustion, helping them balance or adjust their workload. Supervisors can also encourage taking personal time off or a vacation to recharge, as many employees feel hesitant about requesting time off due to overwhelming work demands. 

        • Identify the root cause of advanced burnout. For employees experiencing cynicism or decreased effectiveness at work, solutions might include changing supervisors or teams or exploring new roles within the company. 

          • Promote and model healthy behaviors. Managers and leaders can set an example by prioritizing healthy habits and showing employees that these practices are acceptable and encouraged. 

            • Keep employees informed about resources. Ongoing communication about burnout prevention and stress management is critical. Regularly remind staff of available resources, such as an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or an Employer Preferred Access Program, through verbal or written updates. 

          Beyond EAP: How employee mental health benefits improve mental health care 

          While Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are a valuable resource for addressing workplace stress and mental health challenges, they often fall short in providing the comprehensive, ongoing support employees need. Limited counseling sessions and long wait times can hinder timely access to care, leaving employees without the proper resources when they need them most.  

          This is where a more comprehensive solution for employee mental health can come in, offering enhanced mental health services tailored to the needs of employees and employers alike.  

          An employee mental health program is a specialized benefit that allows employers to provide cost-effective access to mental health services to their workforce. These programs ensure that employees facing acute mental health challenges are quickly connected with qualified mental health professionals who can provide the support they need. By partnering with the right provider, employers are able to increase access and reduce appointment waiting time, allowing employees to receive care faster than they would through traditional channels. 

          How Family Care Center’s Employer Preferred Access Program works 

          Our Family Care Center Employer Preferred Access Program is designed to collaborate closely with employers and assist employees every step of the way on their behavioral health journey. Whether it’s finding the right therapist, scheduling appointments, or providing ongoing support, our program aims to make the process as seamless and stress-free as possible.  

          We start by establishing a network of preferred providers who are available to offer timely mental health services to employees. Services may include individual therapy, psychiatric care, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and more.  

          Providers are carefully selected for their expertise in various mental health conditions, ensuring that employees receive the appropriate level of care for their specific needs. Whether an employee is dealing with anxiety, depression, stress, or another mental health issue, our preferred access providers offer them the support they need to manage their condition and improve their overall well-being. 


          Benefits of Family Care Center’s Employer Preferred Access Program 

            • Guaranteed access to care with a dedicated phone number for rapid scheduling   

            • Fast access to quality care with an average time to first appointment of under five days   

            • Convenient in-person locations and virtual care   

            • Comprehensive care to therapy, psychiatry and medication management for all ages – under one roof, just like it should be    

            • Robust reporting on patient satisfaction, service utilization, patient outcomes and more  

          Why employers should support mental health in the workplace 

          Supporting employee mental health is not just a compassionate choice; it’s also a strategic business decision. A mentally healthy workforce is more productive, engaged and loyal. When employees know their employer cares about their well-being, they are more likely to stay with the company long-term. In fact, 30% of workers strongly agree that employer support for mental health will factor into their future job decisions. 

          “30% of workers strongly agree that employer support for mental health will factor into their future job decisions.” 

          Moreover, poor mental health can lead to increased absenteeism, decreased productivity and higher healthcare costs. Employers can mitigate these risks by proactively supporting mental health through Family Care Center’s Employer Preferred Access Program and creating a healthier, more resilient workforce. 

          Why partner with Family Care Center? 

          In a competitive job market, employers who prioritize mental health in the workplace are more likely to attract and retain top talent. Family Care Center’s Employer Preferred Access Program is a powerful tool for demonstrating this commitment. By providing rapid access to quality mental health care, the program helps employees manage their mental health effectively, leading to a healthier, happier and more productive workforce.  

          As mental health continues to be a critical factor in job satisfaction and retention, employers must consider implementing such programs to support their employees and secure their position as an employer of choice. 

          Ready to boost workplace mental health with our Employer Preferred Access Program? Contact us today to get started.

          Appointments in days, not months

          Taking the first step on your mental health journey is easier than you might think.

          * Family Care Center is in-network with most major health insurance plans!

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