Group of people supporting Eli Varney and his partnership with Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center.

Community Connection: Eli Varney and Veterans’ Mental Health

Transitioning from military to civilian life can be an incredibly challenging journey, filled with uncertainties and obstacles. Recognizing this critical issue, Eli Varney, MA, LPC, a former platoon leader turned therapist, is leading the charge in Veterans’ mental health support. He proudly advocates for the Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center in Colorado Springs, an organization that provides transition support, behavioral health services, wellness programs and more for Veterans, military members and their families.

Eli’s journey: From deployment to advocacy

Having served as a platoon leader during his first deployment, Eli Varney experienced firsthand the importance of addressing his team members’ individual mental health needs. However, he recognized the limitations of available resources in providing adequate support. Determined to make a difference, Eli pursued a post-graduate master’s program in mental healthcare while deployed. Now, nearly a decade later, he serves as a therapist at the Family Care Center’s Woodland Park Clinic, where he integrates the invaluable lessons from his military experience into his practice.

Eli emphasizes the significance of connection and understanding in addressing Veterans’ mental health, particularly during the transition to civilian life. He understands that each person’s journey is unique and requires tailored support for long-term well-being. This passion for personalized care drives Eli’s advocacy for the Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center, where he believes real change can be made in addressing the mental health needs of Veterans and their families.

Partnering with Veterans’ mental health organizations

When asked why he supports Veterans’ mental health organizations like Mt. Carmel, Eli’s answer is clear: it’s about making a tangible impact on local Veterans and their families. By partnering with a Colorado-based organization like Mt. Carmel, Eli and his team can address the specific needs of the Colorado Springs community more effectively. With a deep understanding of the challenges faced by Veterans in the region, Mt. Carmel offers targeted and impactful programs and services designed to support the well-being of those who have served our country.

“As we strive to honor the sacrifices of our Veterans, addressing their mental health needs must remain a top priority,” shared Varney. “By fostering connections, providing tailored support and promoting community engagement, we can create a brighter and more hopeful future for those who have bravely served our nation.”

Veterans’ mental health support at Family Care Center

Family Care Center is uniquely qualified to offer services to military families, Veterans and First Responders. We were founded by two Veterans of the U.S. Army, and our clinical staff includes many Veterans, military spouses and family members. Together, we deeply understand the unique nature of mental health treatment within the military and First Responder communities.

If you or a loved one would like to learn more about Veterans’ mental health support, please visit

Appointments in days, not months

Taking the first step on your mental health journey is easier than you might think.

* Family Care Center is in-network with most major health insurance plans!

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